Application to take examination at another location

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Blankett SR03


  • The main rule is that all examinations take place in Borås or other location as advised by the examiner. However, if special reasons exist, a student may be given permission to take the examination in another location on his/her initiative.
  • It is not guaranteed that the examination can be taken at another location, the circumstances in each individual case must be assessed.
  • In principle, the same rules apply for examinations taken in another location as for examinations taken at the University of Borås. In order for the examination to be carried out in another location, it must be ensured that the guidelines will be met and that the examination context will be of the same level as an ordinary examination in relation to the rule of the law.
  • The examination must be taken on the same date and at the same time as the regular examination is taken at the university’s premises.
  • The application must be received by the University of Borås no later than 3 weeks before the examination date. (Applications received late will not be processed.)
  • The student is responsible for contacting the institution where he/she wishes to take the examination.
  • The student must apply to take the examination irrespective of whether he/she is applying to take the examination in another location.

Note! Documents sent to the university are deemed to be public and may be issued if anyone so requests. After decision has been made the documents will be archived.

Special reasons

  • Foreign studies – if the student is carrying out part of the studies in another country, such as one year of studying abroad.
  • Military or civilian service.
  • Foreign student who has moved back to his/her home country.
  • More than 150 km away or more than 2 hours away (valid for contract education).

Places where examinations may be taken

  • Examinations may only be taken at established Swedish institutions, such as universities, colleges and study/learning centres. If abroad, examinations may only be taken at a Swedish embassy or consulate.


  • The student is responsible for any additional costs associated with the examination.

Case procedure

  • The student applies to take an examination in another location.
  • Personnel at the Student Reception review the application and decide whether the examination can be taken at another location.
  • A copy of the application form is returned with the decision to the student via email.

(*) Required field


  • Tecken kvar

  • Information about the examination:

  • University that I wish to take the examination at:

  • Tecken kvar
  • Information about the processing of personal data

    Information that you provide about yourself on the form will be processed by the University to deal with your case. When the processing is complete, the information will be retained in accordance with the current record retention and disposal policy and decisions. The University of Borås is the data controller for the processing, which takes place pursuant to Article 6.1 (e) of the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation. 

    You have the right to access the personal data processed about you (a so-called register extract) and request correction or deletion of the data. You also have the right to object to the processing and request that processing be restricted. 
    These rights are not unconditional and cannot always be met, for example the University’s ability to delete information is limited. 

    If you have any questions about the processing of your personal data or want to use any of your rights, you are welcome to contact the University.
    If you are dissatisfied with how your personal data is processed, you can contact the University’s data protection officer by email to
    You also always have the right to lodge a complaint with the Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection, which is the supervisory authority.